
Anna and the Apocalypse review

When the world is going to hell its time to bust out the show tunes in the delightful Anna and the Apocalypse.

A mix of genres, with it ticking the coming of age teen movie, zombie horror and musical boxes, it strangely works quite well.

We have seen filmmakers trying to do something different with zombies recently with Train to Busan and One Cut of the Dead, and Anna… is certainly different.

Ella Hunt shines in the titular role, singing and slashing her way through a zombie outbreak in a Scottish town.

It does follow a tried and tested apocalypse story structure, but it’s the well written characters that set this apart from your usual brain chewing action.

There’s also the minor issues of teen issues, with Anna desperate to escape her small town home but best friend John hoping she will finally see him as more than a best bud; it’s straight out of a John Hughes movie.

The tunes are damn catchy too with Break Away, Turning my Life Around and Hollywood Ending as infectious as a zombie bite and will have you humming them long after the credits roll.

So is Anna and the Apocalypse the greatest zombie horror musical? You’re damn right, now hit the music!
