
The Queue (Panic Fest 2024) review

As Brits, we are often belittled by our colleagues from overseas for patiently waiting in queues.

Having said this, with the event of Black Friday, even we are starting to get feral when these flash sales hit.

One modern occurrence that could also send anyone over the edge is online queueing, whether it’s for gig tickets or something, doesn’t it boil the blood when it times out, or you get booted out when you are in queue position one?

In Michael Rich’s short The Queue, we see things from another perspective; how does a moderator control this activity online?

What this film does is really showcase the cesspit the internet can be, whilst also commenting on the psychological toll it can have on viewers.

The Queue conveys a real atmosphere, blurring the lines between reality and something else, getting under the viewer’s skin.

This short is slick, carrying real production value and what feels like an original narrative.

The Queue screens as part of Panic Fest 2024.

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