
Tooth (Salem Horror Film Festival) review

One of the plot motifs that really gets under my skin, is the removal of teeth in horror.

Whether its them being smashed out, sawn out or just plain ripped out; it’s really icky.

Forward to Jillian Corsie’s short Tooth, and before the credits roll I can feel myself getting tense.

We follow an older lady who seems to have the perfect tooth-cleaning routine, including flossing, and mouthwash – the works.

After she randomly loses a tooth things start to get strange when said tooth disappears off the side of the sink.

Ultimately what could have become sinister turns quite slapstick and Tooth is all the better for leaning into its absurdity.

Tooth is quite fantastic and is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.

Tooth screens as part of Salem Horror Film Festival 2023.

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