
Maximum Overdrive review

Despite the film being over 35 years old, it was very jarring to see a film with ‘Directed by Stephen King’ in its production.

The story is plucked from King’s own superb anthology collection Night Shift and tells the story of a bunch of trucks that become self-aware, and trap a group of rag tags within a truck stop station.

While becoming slightly overwhelmed by this crazy scenario, our group must find a way to escape the station and the clutches of their metallic overlords.

Safe to say that, Maximum Overdrive is as bonkers as it sounds. It’s very much a case of disengaging your brain and enjoying the B movie quality.

Some of the stunt work involving the trucks is superb and quite stunning to watch, including a massive pile-up along a bridge during the film’s opening.

King himself was said to be in the throes of cocaine addiction at this time, and this translates to the screen with Maximum Overdrive’s frenetic energy and its emphasis on spectacle over plot.

Add to this a soundtrack by AC/DC, and you have a film which I’m sure you know now, has become a cult classic.

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