
Reluctant Immortals by Gwendolyn Kiste review

Its always great to have classic characters thrown into new scenarios and explore different themes.

For the example of Reluctant Immortals, author Gwendolyn Kiste takes on the characters of Rochester, Jane Eyre plus Dracula himself in a twisted feminist tale.

This is as much about the villains of the piece as the women who have attempted to escape them.

We follow Lucy, a survivor of sorts from Dracula and Bertha, from Jane Eyre, who have been living immortals for centuries but still fear their masters will return. The story questions what its like living centuries and being limited in your lifestyle and who you can get close to.

Being a horror novel, this is exactly what happens and chaos breaks loose. Reluctant Immortals at a shade under 300 pages is a brisk read with plenty of action to keep the reader entertained.

This story is about empowerment, facing your fears and finding ways to move forward. It is at times brutal but ultimately a story worth reading.

Reluctant Immortals by Gwendolyn Kiste is available now in various formats by Titan Books.

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