
Slaxx review

While it may sound completely absurd to have a film about a pair of killer jeans; when executed this well it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

Slaxx follows the journey of Libby, a brand new employee at Canadian Cotton Clothiers aka CCC, a boutique fashion shop that has a near-cultish dedication to its brand.

When a new pair of jeans comes into stock that can adapt the body size of their owner, a launch event is planned with an influencer set to debut the range to the world.

Safe to say things don’t go to plan and the jeans start going on a killing spree.

The best part about Slaxx is that it knows exactly what it is, and leans into its B-movie status and feels more refreshing for it. We also have the added bonus of plenty of blood, gore and practical effects.

The performances are excellent too, Romane Denis stealing the show as the vulnerable, yet smart Libby although her snidy boss Craig (Brett Donahue) comes a close second.

Its a shade over 75 minutes long so there is literally no fat to trim her and its just plenty of gory fun.

Slaxx is now streaming on Shudder.

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