
Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay review

I have to say alternate versions and lost versions of films and stories are like catnip to me.

I find it fascinating to read about versions of media that could have turned out very different when in different hands.

For Paul Tremblay’s latest venture into horror, he tackles the meta tale of a film that has taken on cult status, despite never actually being released.

The ‘stars’ of the film have done conventions, signing pictures of a film never actually released, but why did Horror Movie never make it to screens?

With dual storylines, we follow one of the actors who portrayed the slasher film’s killer The Thin Kid, as he tries to navigate the potential of a reboot of his most renowned work while delving into the darkness of the past.

Tremblay clearly knows the slasher tropes like the back of his hand, so sprinkling in relevant references will certainly make genre fans smile.

Horror Movie, despite advocating for the slasher tropes feels deeper in the way it comes across as a character study, delving into The Thin Kid’s psychology and how a role in a film can define someone on and off the screen.

While this doesn’t carry the weight of say Disappearance at Devil’s Rock or The Cabin at the End of the World, this is still stellar stuff from Tremblay who continues to be one of the most diverse writers in the horror community.

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay is available now in various book formats from Titan Books.

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