
The Spider review

Unless I’ve been living under a rock, it seems like a body horror version of the origin of Spiderman should have been done by now.

Fear not though, director Andy Chen has teamed up with Walking Dead star Chandler Riggs for a short film encapsulating this idea.

Riggs’ Peter is bitten by a radioactive spider, but he starts to have more in common with Brundlefly from The Fly than Peter Parker. His discovery of new powers does bring some darkly comic moments before he goes exploring the city, but he continues to change into something new…

Chen gives us pure body that is quite nasty and unflinching, with a frenetic directing style.

While its DNA may belong to the Marvel story, The Spider feels quite original, with Riggs giving a tortured performance as the helpless Peter.

On the evidence of this, we need more horror interpretations of these age-old tales, provided they have this production quality.

You can watch The Spider on YouTube below –

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