
You’re An Angel (Panic Fest 2024) review

Taxi drivers can often overshare to break any perceived tension in the car.

There are some who crack inappropriate jokes or there are others with darker stories to tell, just like the driver in the opening of You’re An Angel, a brand new short from director Zachary Eglinton.

Luckily the couple making out in the backseat seem non-plussed by his dark story. While he is not a mood killer, the guy finds half an onion on the side of the bed quite distracting as they get down to it, in her apartment. This won’t be the weirdest thing he finds in her home…

You’re An Angel is a dark comedy with some real gross-out moments, especially for those who don’t like things involving bodily fluids.

It goes to show you may want to get to know someone a little better before going all the way.

You’re An Angel screened as part of Panic Fest 2024.

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