Grimmfest 2023

Keratyna (Grimmfest 2023) review

It’s hard to kind of think, what would I do if I saw someone commit a murder?

We can all say, ‘Oh yes I’d report it to the police’ or ‘I would take them down’, but when primal instincts kick in you may be found wanting.

This is the initial premise of the Spanish horror drama Keratyna, but the other facet of the plot is that our central protagonist is a strange wannabe conspiracy theorist vlogger.

He believes in the lizard people looking to take over the human race, which has been a long-standing theory of the far right in America; make of that what you will.

We are thrust into this weird and off-kilter world, that has shades of Rear Window with its paranoia, as the alleged killer even begins dating the man’s mother, much to his disgust.

You know what they say, keep your enemies close but this is taking the mic a bit.

Keratyna does stumble a little with its overall messaging but the ride is still quite engrossing and off-kilter. It’s conventional and at times a character study which is certainly worth seeking out.

Keratyna screens as part of Grimmfest 2023.

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