
Griffica review

It’s such a shame when you find the perfect partner and well, they could be a demon from hell.

In C.J Arellano’s short Griffica, we follow a couple where one suspects the other of being a caffeine-driven monster of the underworld.

A chance meeting of neighbours quickly develops into a relationship which feels almost too good to be true; he’s cultural, he can cook – you get the picture.

Things get suspicious when they move in together and it seems like the new flame knew a bit too much was perhaps a bit too good to be true.

While this all may sound melodramatic things quickly take a dark turn when we find out what the coffee he is so obsessed with is for.

Griffica attempts something different and builds its narrative organically, using the narration from our lead to slowly build up to its creepy finale.

There’s a line between finding a monster and finding its food in your kitchen, feels like a pretty accurate line and portrayal of where this is going.

Griffica tows the line between ambiguity and the supernatural, crafting a compelling story which will have you asking questions up until the credits.

Watch Griffica below –

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