
The UFO’s of Soesterberg review

By Jason Kerr

Whether you’re a believer or not there is a lot of people who are convinced they have had a close encounter with a UFO. Going back to 1947 the U.S. Air Force came across a problem of unidentified flying objects, the issue was so alarming that they required expert advice from J.Allen Hynek, the director of Ohio State University’s McMillin Observatory. It was Hynek who coined the phrase ‘Close Encounters’ and created a scale of first, second and third encounters, he also served as a technical advisor on the movie ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’.

The UFO’s of Soesterberg is a documentary made by Bram Roza about an event witnessed in February 1979 by members of the Dutch Air Force. An unidentified flying object flew over Sosterberg air base in Holland the witnesses are still baffled by the experience one former member of the air force ponders ‘was it the Russians, I have no clue’ he witnessed three bright lights, no sound and a sudden propelled disappearance.
A former serving Captain in the air force reveals that ranking members of the air force all got on their communication systems and witnessed the phenomenon in the area from different angles.
Was the U.S. Air Force trying out new aircraft?

Again, whether you’re a believer or not the witnesses appear sane, rational and are absolutely convinced that they had witnessed something that was out of the ordinary, and a shared experience at that. There are animations, drawings, explanations of light, speed and size. There are no probes, little green men or standard UFO enthusiasts in sight. Most of the witnesses were military personnel and still show a sense of disbelief and caution over admitting to what was witnessed.

The truth is out there, somewhere, but they don’t want us to know.

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