
Blood Demons review

By Terry Sherwood

Odd film this one, so much going on you forget it is trying to be a horror film masked as a crime film or the other way around. Kieran Edwards aims this work unashamedly at those who like to smoke pot, play with guns, get beat up and mix in some supernatural with robbed vampire figures. The folk that grow dope, sell it make money, talk cool and have sex with two women at the same time and wake up fully clothed.

Blood Demons opens with the Welsh rapper Goldie Lookin’ Chain (GLC) sitting by the sea getting stoned. They drink, they smoke, they sleep they get killed by the hooded beasties that drain their blood even though the top of their scalp. From my days of blur (Not the band), one rolls a giant cigar-like doobie that would be frowned upon as it would have the effect of putting you to sleep which it does. No jokes, no females, no attack of the munchies for anything just rocks, Kush smoke and death. Oddly the intro has nothing to do with the rest of the film.

Jake (James E. Taylor) the main dealer, Tony (Cameron Nathan Dean), and Dominic (James Underwood) are growing plants yet have managed to kill them by not setting the timer right at the bottom of their house. The boss, in steampunk glasses, a top hat and a biker’s wind mask Mr. P. (Kieran Edwards) is not to happy as they have no supply to sell through their alleyway door.

Jake is tortured by a large black man in a t-shirt and steampunk mask for his misdeeds and forced to bury his friends alive, Jake is given a chance to save his own life. He is to the Isle of Baga and brings back the seed of the incredibly rare and potent strain of cannabis known as Sabertooth. Since he and his uncle Professor Moses (Gary Baxter) were already going to a music festival, it would all work out. The two are suddenly pulled into a dark world of ritualistic murder, rune magic, and an evil cult of vampires led by a blonde Danni Thompson channelling her inner ‘Ingrid Pitt’ from Hammer Studios Countess Dracula and The Wicker Man. She dances a ritual, brutally knifes her servant who fails a task in the best Scars of Dracula tradition and licks the blood of the blade.

Blood Demons suffers from too long a set story making it seem like two stories put into one. It is only in the latter part when the supernatural action begins that the film becomes interesting if not a micro-budget vampire story much in line with, Satanic Rites of Dracula and Kiss of the Vampire these had low budgets and involved cults with hoods and mystery.
Some fun music festival and local footage, and an introduction of a Michael Ripper Innkeeper type who keeps popping up who is a vampire hunter. Blood Demons has good intentions yet gets bogged down with unnecessary stories, solarization video effects, CGI vampire deaths and some silly violence that you can let go by for a chuckle and bloody gore with tons of syrupy blood. If that’s your thing then you can put that in your pipe and smoke with mad vile glee.

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