
Terror Twins LLC reveal Traction Park Massacre cast

Terror Twins, LLC reveals the main cast and select images from the feature film, “Traction Park Massacre,” starring Kai Thomas Schulz and Bodhi Schulz from “American Horror Story” as the leads playing the Terror Twins, Emil and Otto.

The film is an ode to 80’s slasher movies, along with genre classics, like “Evil Dead,” “Friday the 13th,” “Saw,” et al, inspired by the legendary amusement and water park, Action Park in New Jersey. Co-directed and written by Adam Dubin (Murder at the Front Row, A Year And A Half In The Life Of Metallica) and Douglas diMonda, who visited the park in 1983, which was known for its dangerous rides and quickly gained a reputation of “Accident Park” and “Class Action Park.”

“Doug and I went to the original Action Park with two friends and each of us got hurt on a different attraction, and we witnessed others getting hurt too. One visit was enough!” said Dubin. “We were waiting in line for the Tarzan Swing. Everybody was watching people swing off to fall and land in a pit of really cold water below. They were watching not to watch them swing, but to see if they’d get hurt. Which Adam did. He attempted to do a backflip off the swing but didn’t quite make it, landing on his back an audible smack to the amusement of everybody on line as they all went awwwwww!” remembers DiMonda.

“Traction Park Massacre” was shot and edited entirely in Georgia and stars Scarlett James, Tori Sen, Jacob Kaufman, Helene Henry, McKalin and Lucas Hyde and is a audacious joy ride that brings together two groups of strong characters isolated in the abandoned amusement park and at the mercy of the Terror Twins. The film will feature a soundtrack chock-full of classic metal, and a bold 80’s inspired score from Alex Skolnick of Testament.

The iconic Action Park featured various water attractions, including a wave pool called the “Grave Pool” due to its strong currents and numerous rescues, and the “Cannonball Loop,” a water slide with a vertical loop that caused many injuries. “I remember Doug and I seeing the original Cannonball Loop at Action Park in 1983. We were both pretty daring back then but even we looked at each other and said ‘no way!’ Luckily it wasn’t a problem because the ride was clearly closed for good. It was just standing there looking menacing,” said Dubin and DiMonda added “I said to Adam ‘nope, no fucking way.’ We did some crazy stuff, but there’s crazy and then there’s stupid.”

ACTION WONDERLAND, the fictional park in the feature film is a dangerous local waterpark burned to the ground fifteen years ago supposedly killing twin ten-year olds OTTO and EMIL VON METZGER giving rise to urban legends. But the TERROR TWINS are alive and they hunt those thrill seekers foolish enough to attempt to find the remains of the abandoned park.

A group of young people head to the area in Mark’s RV including Mark’s girlfriend Candy, Jamal and his girlfriend Lisa and her best friend Jamie. Along the way Jamie and her friends attract the attention of an outlaw biker club led by the ruthless Napalm. The bikers follow Jamie, Lisa, Jamal, Mark and Candy to the area to steal the RV and dispose of the young people. But little do they know that Terror Twins, Otto and Emil have other plans for them. The entire group of young people and the biker gang are set upon by the twins, who have rigged out the area with traps and games based upon the old, dilapidated rides.

Watch a teaser of Traction Park Massacre below –

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